Maureen Friedrichs as Prize Winner at Uni im Dialog 2016

Winners of the poster competition with Prof. Karl-Friedrich Klotz: Annika Freund, Carolin Bauer, Maureen Friedrichs, Svea Ledig, Undine Haferkamp und Markus Kist (v.l.n.r.; Photo: Olaf Malzahn)

Four students from GRK1957 presented their research projects at the annual Uni im Dialog on June 8, 2016 in the university church St. Petri. Congratulations to Maureen Friedrichs, MD student in project 11 "The interaction between central and peripheral clocks in the regulation of the white adipose function" who won the prize in the poster competition. The aim of the event is to make science understandable and research results interesting for the general public. A jury selected the best posters from five groups based on various criteria such as linguistic clarity and transparency of the presented statements , technical accuracy and structured format, the visualization of the content as well as the originality and the overall impression of the poster.