Congraulations to our 2nd generation alumni Beate Herrmann and Sebastian Nock, which just published their GRK project restuls in the journal Thyroid.
Beate Herrmann and Lisbeth Harder and Rebecca Oelkrug and Jiesi Chen and Sogol Gachkar and Sebastian Nock and Julia Resch and Markus Korkowski and Heike Heuer and Jens Mittag: Central Hypothyroidism Impairs Heart Rate Stability and Prevents Thyroid Hormone Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy and Pyrexia. Thyroid, no. Epub ahead of print, pp. NN, 2020
Sebastian Nock and Kornelia Johann and Lisbeth Harder and Eva Katrin Wirth and Kostja Renko and Carolin Höfig and Vanessa Kracke 9 and Julian Hackler and Beatrice Engelmann and Martina Rauner and Josef Köhrle and Lutz Schomburg and Georg Homuth and Uwe Völker and Georg Brabant and Jens Mittag: CD5L Constitutes a Novel Biomarker for Integrated Hepatic Thyroid Hormone Action. Thyroid, no. Epub ahead of print, pp. NN, 2020