Strong voice of ABC at YARE 2017

Congratulations to the six doctoral researchers from GRK1957 who have abstracts accepted for a talk at the 19th Annual YARE Meeting in Berlin, October 6-8, 2017.

Lisbeth Harder: Developmental control of parvalbumingergic neurons in the anterior hypothalamic area by thyroid hormones in mice

Beate Herrmann: Role of the murine thyroid hormone transporters MCT8 and OATP1C1 in the cardiovascular system

Kornelia Johann: A reason why overweight men should not be taking Viagra

Jana-Thabea Kiehn: A role for circadian clocks in leptin-responsive neurons in appetite regulation in mice

Sogol Gachkar: How mice regulate their body temperature

Sebastian Nock: Identification of organ specific thyroid hormone biomarkers as nwe diagnostic tools

And several doctoral researchers from the second generation will participate the YARE Meeting and network with their peers in the field.