Congratulations to three ABC students who have had abstracts accepted for oral presentation at the annual German Diabetes Congress 2017 from May 25 to May 27, 2017 in Hamburg. The Diabetes Congress is the annual scientific meeting of the German Diabetes Association (DDG). Every year around 6,000 participants take part in this high-ranking event, mainly from the German-speaking countries.
- Mareike Bernau, Impact of high-fat diet and IL-1β on glial NF-κB signalling in hypothalamus
- Alessandro Di Spiezio, The role of the endothelial cells in leptin transport into the brain
- Luka Levata, Nesfatin-1 employs the central melanocortin pathway to stimulate non-shivering thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT)
To view the webcast of all the talks, please click on the link below.