Five GRK1957 PhD students presented posters at the annual science outreach event Uni im Dialog on June 10, 2015 in St. Petri's church. Besides introducing their research projects to a variety of audience, including school pupils, teachers and university professors, the students got a better understanding of the research profiles of other institutes and departments at the University of Lübeck. The following posters were presented:
Mareike Bernau
Auswirkung einer fettreichen Ernährung auf die Eminentia Mediana im Tiermodell
Alessandro Di Spiezio
Contribution of the Blood-Brain Barrier to Leptin Resistence
Lisbeth Harder
Feuer unter der Haut
Jana-Thabea Kiehn
Einfluss der zirkadianen Uhr in Leptinrezeptor-positiven Neuronen auf die Nahrungsaufnahme
Rose Kohlie
Dopamine Effects on Fat Cells