6 new students joined the ABC "Adipocyte-Brain Crosstalk" family

With an interesting training program and a vibrant student community, GRK1957 attracts many like-minded students on campus and keeps a steady growth year after year. As of 06.06.2016 six new students were accepted as members of the ABC family. They are:

  • Fabian Drewitz, MD student and GRK1957 fellowship holder, supervised by Prof. Georg Brabant
  • Kornelia Johann, associated PhD student, supervised by Prof. Jens Mittag
  • Laura Nickel, associated MD student, supervised by Prof. Walter Raasch
  • Sebastian Nock, associated PhD student, supervised by Prof. Jens Mittag/Prof. Georg Brabant
  • Velichka Vargoba, MD student and GRK1957 fellowship holder, supervised by Prof. Walter Raasch
  • Marina Walter, associated MD student, supervised by Prof. Henrik Oster