Public Understanding of Science

Students promoted research projects at Uni im Dialog

Mareike Bernau

Alessandro Di Spiezio

Lisbeth Harder

Jana-Thabea Kiehn

Rose Kohlie

Five GRK1957 PhD students presented posters at the annual science outreach event Uni im Dialog on June 10, 2015 in St. Petri's church. Besides introducing their research projects to a variety of audience, including school pupils, teachers and university professors, the students got a better understanding of the research profiles of other institutes and departments at the University of Lübeck. The following posters were presented:

Mareike Bernau
Auswirkung einer fettreichen Ernährung auf die Eminentia Mediana im Tiermodell

Alessandro Di Spiezio
Contribution of the Blood-Brain Barrier to Leptin Resistence

Lisbeth Harder
Feuer unter der Haut

Jana-Thabea Kiehn
Einfluss der zirkadianen Uhr in Leptinrezeptor-positiven Neuronen auf die Nahrungsaufnahme

Rose Kohlie
Dopamine Effects on Fat Cells